Writing Your Post

After you login, you will be presented with the “Dashboard.” Go to “Posts” to add or edit your post(s). As you will have the WordPress role of a “Contributor,” you will be able to see what you write, but it will not be published until approved by an administrator or editor. (Later you will be able to return and edit your own post(s) only. This is an addition to “Contributor” role.)

You may edit with the visual editor, or with HTML.

Be sure to include the following information. If you need a more structured template, you might copy and paste, then edit, the formatting sample found beneath this page in the hierarchy.

  • Camp/Activity Nameuse this as the title of your post. You may opt to repeat it as the fist line in your post.
  • Sponsor: — your organization’s name. Keep this consistent if you are listing multiple activities.
  • Phone:
  • Fax:
  • Web: URL address
  • Email:
  • Contact Person:
  • Subject/Content:
  • Age/Grade level: Pre-K, Elementary, Middle, High School
  • Type: — day/overnight/other
  • Length of program:
  • Cost:
  • Financial aid?: — available: Yes / No
  • Notes: This is an example of where you submit “Program Description” information for the Virtual Summer Opportunities Fair. You are encouraged to include link(s) to additional information about your program, if not entered above.

Categories and Tags will help viewers search for particular types of programs (Categories) and grade-levels( Tags), respectively. Please select these thoughtfully from those I have already created.

Please do not make new categories or tags: too many categories will confuse searchers. You may use any key words you desire in the text, and these will be found when someone conducts a search. Should you wish to suggest a new category, email us at summeropportunities@columbuspace.org.

  • Make sure that you select the appropriate first level Category to describe the type of program you offer, on the right side, — “Activities and Camps” in most cases (“Scholarships” or “Other Resources” may also apply.) Also select any and all appropriate second level categories to describe your program.
  • Choose the Tags which describe the grade level(s) for your program. (If you click on “Choose from the most used tags in Post Tags,” you will be presented with links for the grade levels: Pre-K., Elementary, Middle School, High School)

When you are all finished, please click “Submit for Review.” (Alternatively you may save a draft if you are not yet ready to submit for publishing.)

Once any post has been approved, you will be able to come back to update and and revise information in it as needed! (This Pre-approval strategy helps us block spammers from our site.)

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