Falcon Young Adventure Camp
sponsor: Falcon Camp
phone: 800/837-CAMP
website: www.falconcamp.com
email: info@falconcamp.com
Contact person: Dave Devey
subject: Special introductory program for first time young campers. Intro to overnight camp for boys and girls.
age/grade level: ages 6 – 9. elementary school
type: Overnight
length of program: one week sessions, July 27 – August 2, August 3 – August 9
cost: $1100/week
financial aid available: yes
Falcon Young Adventure Camp is a unique and exciting introduction to overnight camping for boys and girls ages 6 -9. These one-week programs are designed with care to guide the campers in being successful with their first great “Young Adventure” away from home. Program includes horseback riding, swimming, canoeing, archery, air rifles, crafts, sports, rocketry, fishing, tennis and much more. Young Adventure Camp takes place within Falcon Camp’s traditional camping program and they have the opportunity to observe and occasionally join the older campers. A 1:2 staff/camper ratio gives us the ability to keep a close eye on each camper with a staff member always available with a helping hand. This will provide a very personal camp experience for young first time campers. In the living units, this also allows for more attention to “parental concerns” such as eating right, brushing your teeth and the classic standard: I know it’s your favorite shirt but you still can’t wear it every day! The Young Adventurers travel as a group with a counselor to all activity areas. At each activity they will learn the basic skills needed to enjoy themselves safely.