Tag Archives: High School

age / grade level: High School

Pleasant Hill Outdoor Camp

Pleasant Hill Outdoor Camp

sponsor:Pleasant Hill Outdoor Camp
Phone: (419)938.3715
Web: www.phoc.org
Email: info@phoc.org
contact person: Ben Radley
subject/content: Traditional Summer Camp
age/grade level: Pre-K, Elementary, Middle, High School
type (day/overnight/other): Overnight
length of program: overnight, 4 day, & 6 day programs available.
cost: $110-$429
financial aid?: Yes


The right camp should be one of the most fun filled and growing experiences of a child’s life. At Pleasant Hill you’ll find a camp home where you not only have a blast but you can learn new things, meet new friends, and discover the spirit of adventure, inside of you. During the day, you’ll find activity areas for almost every interest including lake sports, performing arts, marksmanship, action sports, outdoor living, crafts and more all of which will teach you new skills and develop your confidence. Programs include Adventure Camp, Horselovers Camp, Wilderness Camp and Whitewater Adventure trips. Carefully selected and trained staff accompany campers at all times at a 1/6 ratio to give your camper the attention they deserve. We’ll close out each day at fireside with great skits songs and music, and with a look at how God loves each of us. You’ll get to know God in a new and fresh way, and learn that He loves you for who you are without condition or limitation! At Pleasant you’ll find a warm feeling that comes from our special brand of camping, a place where you can shine from the inside out!

Women in Engineering Summer Camp for High School Girls

A six-day residential program sponsored by the University of Dayton that introduces high school women to the wide range of career opportunities available to them in the various fiels of engineering. Participants experience a total immersion into the world of engineering with classroom activities taught by School of Engineering faculty and/or practicing engineers. The young women enjoy an evening of Dinner with an Engineer and hear from professional women engineers who are willing to share and ready to encourage. One day of camp is spent at a sponsoring industry observing engineers. See http://www.udayton.edu/engineering/hs_programs/women_in_engineering_summer_camp.php for more information.

Recreation Unlimited Summer Residential Camps

sponsor: Recreation Unlimited  7700 Piper Rd.
Ashley, OH 43003
Phone: (740) 548-7006  Fax: (740) 747-3139
Web: www.recreationunlimited.org
Email: info@recreationunlimited.org
contact person: Laura Smith
subject/content: Summer Camps for individuals with disabilities.
age/grade level:  Elementary, Middle, High School
type (day/overnight/other): overnight
length of program: Recreation Unlimited offers 3 weeks of camp for youth ages 8 to 22. A camper can attend any one of the 3 weeks. Camps are Monday through Friday, July 12-16, July 19-23 or July 26-30.
cost: $795 per week
financial aid?: Yes, and Recreation Unlimited is a Level 1, Individual Option and Ohio Homecare Waiver Provider

Notes:  Summer Residential Camps provide a full schedule of activities, lodging, meals and snacks, counselors, program leaders, on-site nursing and a great environment for indoor and outdoor fun for individuals with disabilities. Our camp is ACA accredited.

Wright State University Pre-College Programs

Residential Camps and Institutes for incoming 6-12 grade students.

  • Camps (6-9 grade) include: Writing, Television Production, Structure and Design, Dramatic Theatre, Science of hte Solar System, Busted: Physics Facts, Amazing Flying Machines, Leadershiop
  • Institutes (10-12 grade) include: Law, Engineering, Writing, Performance Theatre, American Culture and COmic Books, Forensic Science, Social Psychology, Leadership

Additional information at (937)775-3135 or www.wright.edu/academics/precollege

  • Cost of camps varies
  • Coed Residential Programs
  • One week programs

Franklin Park Conservatory Summer Camps

Franklin Park Conservatory

Summer Camps

With nature as the touchstone for each workshop, the Conservatory’s summer programs allow children to gain hands-on experiences exploring the natural world through the lens of science and the arts.  Each workshop is planned around a theme and includes age appropriate and enriching activities. 

Several new topics/experiences are planned for camps this summer, including a glass blowing workshop for 16-18 year old students and a special camp to accompany the Conservatory’s exhibition Savage Gardens, opening July 10, 2010!  Popular half-day camps for preschool and kindergarten students are again available as well as full-day camps for 1st-8th grade students. 

For additional information call the Registrar at 614.645.5923
or the Education Desk at 614.645.5863

Camp’s start at $80/participant.

Camp Grid

Summer Institute

  • Camp/Activity Name — Summer Institute
  • Sponsor: — Ohio Supercomputer Center
  • Phone: 614-688-8300
  • Fax: 614-688-3184
  • Web: www.osc.edu/si
  • Email: stong.3@osu.edu
  • Contact Person: Alan Chalker
  • Subject/Content: Computational Science and Computer Programming
  • Age/Grade level: High School
  • Type: — overnight
  • Length of program: Sunday, June 16- Friday, June 28
  • Cost: approximately $500 for room/board
  • Financial aid?: — available: Yes
  • Notes: For over 22 years, Ohio Supercomputer Center has prepared future technology leaders through the Summer Institute. OSC offers a unique two-week residential program that provides talented Ohio high school students entering their sopho­more, junior or senior class and teachers the opportunity to work collaboratively with a team of peers to resolve complex, real-world science and engineering challenges using supercom­puters and cutting-edge research technologies.  After students are selected through a competitive process, they learn about supercomputers and their practical applications such as conducting network forensics to catch hackers, studying the spread of the bird flu and designing computer games.  They gain a competitive edge in future educational and professional pursuits and develop friendships with other with similar interests.  SI also recruits a teacher to participate in the program and mentor students.  More information is available at www.osc.edu/education/si.

Teen Transitions

No matter where a person falls on the autism spectrum, social and life skills are key to successful, independent living. Haugland Learning Center’s summer program is designed to provide those transitioning into adulthood practical experiences in introducing and refining these skills. Intensive social and life skills instruction for adolescents and young adults, age 13-22. Components include pre-vocational/vocational, daily living, recreation/leisure, and community based instruction (CBI). Ratio 1:5. Students separated by social ability. IEP required with enrollment. IO and Level One waivers accepted. Cost $1250; $1500 with CBI included.

 Contact: Carol Jackson 614-602-6482 or carol.jackson@hauglandlearningcenter.com


Support for Talented Students Scholarships

Support for Talented Students (STS) is a foundation whose purpose is to provide scholarships to gifted and talented students in grades K-12. Scholarships are made available for students who would benefit from enrichment activities not normally provided by schools. Some examples of activities that have been previously funded are math/computer courses, art and music instructional programs, science and engineering camps, and other academic summer programs.
For information, see Support for Talented Students application information.
The deadline for STS is in March, so timely action is recommended.

I Know I Can Grant (College)

I KNOW I CAN’s no longer has the Summer Scholars program, but they do have a college scholarship: I Know I Can Grant.

We promise every qualified graduate of the Columbus City School District financial aid assistance for college. Once you garner funds from federal, state and institutional sources, I Know I Can provides up to $1,200 annually to cover the gap that exists between eligible students’ resources and the cost of their college education.

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Young Scholar Program

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation is offering outstanding 7th grade students the opportunity to apply for their Young Scholars Program. The Foundation provides exceptional students with individualized educational guidance and educational services, which could include tutors, summer programs, on-line classes, computers, and tuition throughout high school. Application are available on the Foundation’s website at www.jackkentcookefoundation.org
Candidates must submit their completed application, with all materials specified in the program guidelines, by the receipt deadline of the last Monday in April. If you have questions regarding the Young Scholars Program, please contact the talent center in your region, as specified here: Northwestern University Center for Talent Development, 1-847-491-3782, ctd@northwestern.edu (for Ohio).