Sponsor: Thurber House
(we meet at) Thurber Center, 91 Jefferson Ave., Columbus OH 43215
Phone: (614) 464-1032 ext: 16 Fax: (614) 280-3645
Web: www.thurberhouse.org
Email: megbrown@thurberhouse.org
contact person: Meg Brown
subject/content: Creative Writing
age/grade level: entering 2nd grade through 8th grade
type (day/overnight/other): half day for 2nd/3rd grade camps; full day for 4-8 grade camps
length of program: one week
cost: $95-$165
financial aid?: Yes
Notes: There’s something for every budding writer at Thurber House Summer Writing Camp! We have fantasy, poetry, suspense, and everything in between. Our teachers can’t wait to show you different ways to express yourself that will help you create hilarious characters, beautiful settings and crazy plots. In the end you will have a notebook full of stories, a new group of friends, and an enhanced love of writing. We hope to see you this summer!